Basic custom F5 APM Login Page

I’m working a lot with F5 APM these days. Last month, I’ve learnt how F5 APM & SAML works and I’ve also configured OAuth with Facebook. I’ve configured an AWS Connector and a Salesforce Connector in the F5 APM. In addition, I’ve learnt how to configure a AutoLaunch SAML resource in F5 APM. Last week, I’ve been reading how to customize the APM login page to change colours and logos from the GUI.

I would like to highlight today how to configure a basic and easy custom login page from the GUI. It’s really easy. We’ll watch in the next video we can customize the login page in two steps. Firstly, we’ll change the main image and the transcription from the Visual Policy Editor (VPE). Finally, we’ll change logo and colours from the Basic Customization section. Two steps. Really easy!

However, we can also develop a custom web page and upload it to the F5 APM. There is an advanced customization section in the APM module which is useful to make custom login page.

Advanced custom F5 APM Login Page
Regards my friends! Drop me a line with the first thing you are thinking!


  1. Hi David, I am new to F5. Looking to build a APM login page similar to this with different background and logo. How can do this?

  2. You can use the video that I've uploaded, right?


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