PCI-DSS Compliance
ago I wrote about PCI-DSS
explaining what it is and what requirements companies have to comply
if they want to store, process or transmit cardholder data. However,
today, I have more knowledge than three years ago about PCI because I
have been working for the banking sector and some companies from then
to try to protect their data. Therefore, I would like to share
and write an overview about this standard.
this standard has increasingly demanding requirements due to the fact
that more and more people are using plastic card to buy online. As a
result, the Payment Card Industry like the major card brands (Visa,
MasterCard, American Express, etc) want to reinforce the requirements
because they are losing money with the last attacks to the systems of
merchants, processors, acquirers, issuers, and service providers.
Consequently, it is mandatory to implement the requirements of
PCI-DSS if you want to work with cardholder data. Until when?
Maybe when all of us have our money in Google
Nooo please!!
of the latest change the council has done into the PCI-DSS standard
has been last April when they released the 3.1 version which doesn't
recommend the SSL libraries because last SSL vulnerabilities like
are painful and
dangerous for their pockets. However, policies and procedures like
Security Policy, Change Management Procedure, Incident Response
Procedure or the Security Development Methodology remain important if
we want to protect our data and comply with this standard.
Although documentation is essential and auditors couldn't audit
anything without them, in fact, if it isn't written down, it doesn't
exist, technical controls should be implemented as well. One of the
technical control that more impact to me is how we should encrypt the
cardholder data because we must encrypt the Data Encryption Key (DEK)
with a Key Encryption Key (KEK), they must be store separately and
KEK should be at least as strong as the DEK. The best option to do
this is with an HSM appliance but the cheapest option is to store the
cardholder data and DEK in a server and KEK and master key in another
server. What does all of this mean? We have at least to encrypt the
cardholder data with a key, this with another key store in other
place, and this last key should be encrypted as well. All of this to
protect cardholder data.
In addition to encryption keys, there are a lot of technical controls
that we should take into account like two factor authentication for
remote access to the PCI infrastructure, penetration
test and vulnerability scan, user management, firewall
installation, network and services segmentation, file
integrity monitoring, IDS/IPS, retention of logs, etc.
regards my friend and remember, if
you have to adapt your
infrastructure to the PCI-DSS standard, you'll have to implement the
12 requirements to protect the most important thing for your
customers, the cardholder data.
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